Tuesday 21 April 2009

Give Hope to Chuck!

Average TV shows make you feel indifferent, good TV shows make you laugh or cry, great TV shows make you laugh and cry. Fortunately, NBC's Chuck is the third kind, a rarity. Chuck's scripts and acting have been so consistent, unlike the sometime equally good 30 Rock; Chuck's on-screen dynamic is pleasantly gripping and the leads' chemistry most palpable, unlike the 24 or the Lost. Each episode of Chuck is filled with tension, twists, gadgets, action sequences and humor that put most of today's TV shows to shame. Ultimately, Chuck is TV gold because it is a series with its noble souls, its plot so surreal yet so real. It is a story about everyday people who strive to make a better life, about family and friendship, about loyalty, dream and love. In this trying time, Chuck is the perfect escape for most of us, most soothing entertainment that can be enjoyed by the whole family and simply the best and the funniest show on TV. NBC folks know about comedy and drama, the Peacock has a proud tradition of making the best TV shows. NBC gave us 10 seasons of Friends and 7 seasons of the West Wing, I am sure they will make a wise decision to keep investing and fostering a little quirky gem that is Chuck. It is the TV show for this time, this audience and this network. If NBC decide not to renew it, then the decline of the network will be a proven fact rather than mere speculation, and Chuck fans all over the world would be justified to burn down their living rooms and their respect for the Peacock. That, certainly would not be awesome.

Monday 9 March 2009

Running at night

I had a run, at night.
U2 was blasting in my ears,
Fire was under my steps,
Lampposts were shadows that falling behind.

I had a run, at night.
Heart was bumping fast,
Sweat cascading down my back,
My mind was naturally high that became bland.

I had a run, at night.
I can't laugh because I am in pain,
I can't see much but the guiding star,
I won't say much because I am singing aloud,

I had a run, at night.
It was a thrill, a shiver, a buzz, a tingle and a delight.
As I run, at night,
not from the fear of the darkness,
but towards the hope of an immense light.

I know if I keep running, at night.
I will walk tall at day.

So let's run!

(seriously, I am not a fast-runner, but it was so much fun, let's wish I can keep it up!)

How do you change yourself?

For so long I wondered in the darkness, lost in wildness,
because I have been living for myself.
It is satisfying, self-indulgent and to a large degree, a simple life.
I worry about nobody's well-being but mine,
I concern about no one's happiness but mine,
I eat when I please, I drink when I desire and I dance without care.
I ended up jumping into a large vacuum,
with no light in sight with no ground to land.
I was, intrinsically, empty.
People say you don't really live until you start living for someone else.
You happy when they are happy,
You sad when they are sad,
Their well-being and happiness is your utmost concern.
It is not a simple life,
It can be burdensome, tiring, frustrating and hard.
But life was not meant to be easy,
A life dedicated for others is hard but fulfilling.
It is through responsibility we achieve freedom,
It is through duty we obtain honor,
It is through caring we acquire happiness,
It is through sacrifice we express love,
It is through living for others, we finally began living for ourselves.
And, that, is a magical paradigm shift.
Suddenly we see,
we see the possibilities, the directions and the purpose of life.
Suddenly we feel,
We feel the courage, bravery and optimism start gathering strength.
Suddenly we are more hopeful,
Because we are living and serving for someone and something far bigger than any of us.
That's when we know we are changing and we are finally living.

Saturday 7 March 2009

How do you change the world?

You start by changing yourself...
I think U2 got it right when they sing --
"Every generation gets a chance to change the world
Divination that will listen to your boys and girls
Is the sweetest melody the one we haven't heard?
Is it true that perfect love drives out all fear?
The right to be ridiculous is something I hold dear"
By the way the name of this song is quite ridiculous -- "I will go crazy if I don't go crazy tonight". Nevertheless, it is a rocking, uplifting, in essence, beautiful U2 creation. Have a listen to it, you will know what I mean.

Change is hard, no good things come easy, certainly those that are worthwhile and long-lasting. Yes we need courage and hope, but the first step is always the hardest. We all know it. So we will do what is hard and hopefully achieve what is great. As long as we start walking down the Hope Avenue and never turning back, we are heading towards the right direction and to that promise land. We know then, the darkness won't occupy the sky for much longer as the change is on the way, the light is just about to shine.

Ten Quotes to Make You Hopeful Today

1. "Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance." Robert F. Kennedy

2.“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever does”. Margaret Mead

3."Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies." Shawshank Redemption

4."These are the times that try men's souls." Thomas Paine

5. "Irish lads whose journey was blocked by a brick wall, seemingly too high to scale. Throwing their caps over the wall, the lads had no choice but to follow. How many times in the great history of our country have we come to a wall seemingly too high to scale only to throw our caps to the other side?" The West Wing

6. "A man does what he must - in spite of personal consequences, in spite of obstacles and dangers and pressures - and that is the basis of all human morality." Winston Churchill

7."Every time we think we have measured our capacity to meet a challenge, we look up and we’re reminded that that capacity may well be limitless." The West Wing

8."All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope. I am an optimist. It does not seem too much use being anything else." Winston Churchill

9."Only when we are no longer afraid do we begin to live." DH "With this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope." MLK

10."For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity." 1 Corinthians 13

Friday 6 March 2009

A good day to start over

03 06 09
Once in a while, you decide enough is enough, it is time to move on.
The past is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift.
So may God graciously grant us health and strength,
And we will steal the rest, do the right thing and share my best.
Choice is made, I am walking down the Hope Avenue,
Fearless, determined and I have thrown my hat over the wall.
I am not turning back to darkness now I see light,
I am not letting courage go now I am brave,
I will not despair not I have hope,
So I am walking down the Hope Avenue.
It is a new day, it is a new life,
It is the sunlit Hope Avenue.

Thursday 5 March 2009

Ten Things that Make You Hopeful Today

1. U2 -- I can see a line on the horizon
2. 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue -- Our common humanity always matters more
3. Sunflowers -- the organic form of the sun
4. 30 Rock -- it is good to know networks still have sense of humor and a heart
5. Tony Bennett -- when he sings 'put on a happy face'
6. Stephen Fry and Wikipedia --  knowledge should never be burdensome
7. Re-runs of the Friends -- we all need some
8. Rousseau and the West Wing - political idealism is a rare but a beautiful thing
9. The Daily Show with Jon Stewart -- fearless comedian is often the best
10. The Shawshank Redemption -- the last line was 'I hope'

The Hope Avenue

In this life we see through a glass darkly,
And know in part.
With faith, hope and charity,
And that ripple of sunlight,
We can always go down to the Hope Avenue.